What did I do while I stayed home from work today?
- Worked. Some (mostly answered emails and made phone calls).
- Did a bit of homework (gotta take classes if I want to keep this job).
- Lay around waiting for my temp to come down (it did).
- And, right around lunchtime, I watched this awesome film (see below).
There's some jibby stuff in this film. And there's at least one massive backcountry kicker, too. But, they hike to it all. So I gotta say, hand-to-heart, this film (shot near Alta by Janky Films) is one of the funnest, most essential and legit ski films I've seen in a while. Why? Trees, pow, and friends. Exactly that. In my opinion, these guys nail the experience, the essence of skiing in this beautifully shot 30-minute short. I enjoyed the heck out of it. Hope you do, too. Make sure you full-screen-HD it, for sure!
BOOT DEEP! from JANKYfilms on Vimeo.
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